Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?

To get started, click on the request consultation button. You can then enter the relevant contact information and suggest two consultation appointment dates/times. We will respond via email to select one of the two date/time options and send along some more information to help us in the consultation.

How can I see the course outline for the Private Tutoring courses?

Our Private Tutoring courses are listed as Story Circles 1 through 4 in our course catalog. You can explore the course outline. Enrolment is kept closed until we have completed our consultation meeting and we have agreed on the course schedule.

How is tutoring better on a learning platform?

A class is most effective when students can think about the material before meeting the tutor. All learning materials are on the Story Circles World platform, so pre-reading is easy, and homework assignments are clear. Students submit homework assignments to the tutor by uploading them onto the website. For review and reinforcement, completed learning material stays accessible. Students can redo all quizzes, allowing review and reinforcement. Finally, a great feature is that Zoom meetings are integrated, so students access the classroom via our website.

Is this learning platform easy to use?

Yes. Upon registering for classes, both parent and student attend a personal online orientation on how to use the platform. In addition, written guidelines will be received.

What types of stories do you use?

Your child will love the wide range of stories that take them on adventures around the world, stories that may teach life lessons about, for example, courage, friendship, greed, and the triumph of good over evil.  

Some pieces are narrative poems that provide humour as well as thought-provoking ideas. 
Some stories lead us to consider the power and beauty of nature. 

In the more advanced stories, we've included four Greek myths that introduce children to famous characters such as Pandora, Zeus, and King Midas. 

Where do these stories come from?

All our lessons are built out from stories taken from two main sources.

Many of our stories come from and we are grateful for their kind permission to link to their stories and to use them in our teaching.

Many stories that appear here have been rewritten for this purpose from source stories. They can be found on our YouTube channel, Stories for Listening and Reading.

Some of these stories are original, written by me, Carolyn. 

How is this method of teaching aligned with curriculum objectives of different school districts?

Our program supports the English curriculum at the levels of Grades 3 - 6 in Canadian schools. 

Learning strategies used in Story Circles Courses help children to understand the nuts and bolts of English. 

Students learn spelling through examining syllables, vowels and consonants. Vocabulary is taught through context. Parts of speech, phrases, clauses and sentence structure are all explicitly taught. The grammar sections carefully develop the ability to write complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns. 

Children also acquire reading comprehension skills at literal and inferential levels, and share their views on character motivation and development. 

Will my child enjoy Story Circles and benefit from the method?

Everyone loves a good story. Your child will read and listen to a story with us, talk about that story, then write his/her own. 

Students love the moment when they get to read their own story out loud, so completing the circle! 

All stakeholders - parents, students, and tutors - enjoy the moment when voice, poise and confidence arrive. 

This is the real power in our method. 

Why is reading stories so important to language development?

A story opens a window to a different place and time; this broadens a child's perspective, and encourages creativity as well.

Stories provide context for vocabulary expansion and help children gain the words they need to articulate their thoughts. 

Well-written texts allow children to acquire skills in sentence structure and thought development.

Reading out loud helps with learning proper pronunciation, teaches poise and is also a great deal of FUN!

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