Our Story

Our Story Circles World online learning platform is a place parents come to for English language tutoring. We teach children in grades 3 – 6 to master the English skills needed to excel at school. We offer more than our expertise: our classes are upbeat, and learning happens in an atmosphere of empathy and kindness. We promise to pay attention to the individual learning needs of your child. We welcome all kids: kids who have fallen behind, kids who need second-language help, or kids who simply love stories and want to start writing with a teacher’s guidance. 

Story Circles World represents a lifelong passion for reading and the teaching of reading and writing. I started "teaching" as a little girl growing up on a Caribbean island, Tobago, when I used to line up my toys in the front porch and deliver daily lessons. As I grew older, all I really wanted was to be a writer. Nevertheless, my wise and persuasive mother ensured that I became a teacher. So, I have taught - people of ages 4 - 64, in public schools and private language colleges, in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as in Toronto and Halifax. Now online, English language teaching remains a joyful, deeply satisfying part of my life.

Just before the world shut down for the Corona Virus pandemic, I had begun to mull over the question of what’s the best way to teach English. My teacher-instinct delivered a clear message – teach English through storytelling! When teaching went online, Story Circles World was born. Building this curriculum, and using it in my private classes, has been my passion project since 2020. In 2022, Katie Rains, my past co-worker and friend, joined me in teaching kids using our Story Circles program.

I'm Carolyn. I invite you to join us. Observe how we teach and interact with your child, whenever you like. You can be confident that our influence is positive, upbeat, kind and professional. We are ready to welcome new students!

Benefits of Story Circles World

A multifaceted approach to mastering English

The Story Circles World program helps students master English. At Grades 3 - 5, students move from learning to read to reading to learn. With a Story Circles World tutor, learning English becomes much easier and so learning other subjects becomes less stressful.
Our unique learning platform gives parents the ability to preview units before classes and to review the key learning points after the sessions. All quizzes are self-paced, self-correcting and repeatable. Parents love the combination an expert tutor and the capabilities of our online platform!

A clear path to easing language anxiety

Our tutors are native English speakers who are trained  English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers. Our Story Circles World program uses ESL methods to ensure a structural understanding of the English language. Our read-aloud strategies give lots of speaking time to the student, with help in pronunciation when necessary. All our children will use English with assurance and become more confident speakers and writers.

A response to crowded classrooms

Classrooms today are challenged to meet the demands of English language learning. Let us help you overcome the problems of limited resources in the crowded school system.

A better alternative to a traditional learning center

Our online tutoring service frees you from a long commute in unpredictable road conditions.
Unlike traditional after-school learning centers, our individualized approach means that you need not worry - your child receives our full attention. Distractions are limited and controlled.

A great solution for busy parents

All parents want the best for their kids – but life can be hectic. You can relax and leave this job to us. We are subject-matter experts, ready and able to help!

Story Circles World


I learned about the traditions and cultures of many countries around the world through stories. I can't wait to join the classes every week!
I'm excited to share my stories and hear the stories from the others. My grades have significantly improved, especially in creative writing.
Fun and exciting way to learn English Language Arts and Creative Writing Skills!
I enjoy learning English with Carolyn every week. I am happy that it boosted my confidence as I learned lots of new words and improved my speaking by sharing my thoughts.
teacher, content developer

Carolyn Harnanan

BA (Language and Literature), MFA (Creative Writing),
Pg DipEd (English), Pg Dip TESL

Carolyn has taught English at schools in Trinidad and Canada.
A former Head of English at St. Augustine Girls' High School in Trinidad, Carolyn now pursues her passion of empowering children through strengthening their levels of literacy. The goal: help children develop their own unique voices as well as the knowledge and confidence to excel at school.
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Katie Rains

Katie Rains BA (Humanities: English Literature, Applied Linguistics: TESOL), TESL Canada Standard 2

Katie has taught English in a variety of settings from daycamp in Hong Kong, to university courses in Lithuania, to private language schools in Canada. She believes stories are foundational to developing strong language skills and confident, engaged learners. She loves to help children discover and grow through exploring stories together
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